The reason you should use acrylic as a promotional medium
Promotional media such as displays, posters, frames, display cases, and neon boxes made of acrylic turn out to be more magnetic among other materials. When compared to wood, metal and plastic itself, acrylic is starting to be seen as the main choice for designing some promotional media. Here are the advantages of acrylic media that you should know:
- Easy production
- Flexible material
- Sturdy
- Various product results
- Many color choices
- Light
- Doesn't get dirty easily
Properties Or Characteristics Of Acrylic
- Clear and transparent
- Strong, flexible and durable
- Safe for food, because it does not allow microorganisms to grow
- Can be formed into several types of shapes
- Has a lighter weight when compared to glass
No matter what type of business you are, the promotional materials you use will definitely have an impact on the progress of your business. And the promotional material that has been made will not be maximized in attracting potential customers if the display to show off or display the promotional material is also not good. Indomedia Warna itself is the best digital printing company in Surabaya which always ensures that the printed marketing tools until your trade show event runs smoothly. Contact us immediately if you want your message to be conveyed to potential customers.